oes.org Photo Gallery
THE world's largest collection of Old English Sheepdog Photos

Category |
Albums |
Files |
| User galleriesThis category contains albums that belong to Coppermine users. |
3 |
1506 |
1 |
7306 |

| PortraitsPortraits of our dogs, either in full coat or not. |
1 |
6740 |

8 |
531 |

23 |
5453 |
23 albums on 2 page(s) |
1 |  |

| AnticsPhotos of Sheepdogs clowning around |
6 |
14326 |

| Other PetsHere is where the cat/guinea pig/gerbil/hamster/whatever pics go. |
1 |
882 |

| Other DogsIf there's a dog but no sheepdog in the picture, it goes here. |
2 |
1824 |

3 |
2894 |

1 |
2 |

6 |
15259 |

56723 files in 55 albums and 11 categories with 1888 comments viewed 2756922 times |

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